Bet On Soldier: Blood of Sahara

Bet On Soldier: Blood of Sahara

Warning: Before editing the gamefiles please make a backup
of the file you are going to modify.

When editing the file use the [TAB] key to make a large distance (not [Space])

Open the file Globals.lua with notepad located in the next folder:
Blood of Sahara\mods\Bos_AddOn1\Script

and edit the file to activate the cheat function:

Increase Player Life to 9999:
find: g_nPlayerLife = 1000
replace: g_nPlayerLife = 9999

God mode:
find: SetGodMode(GetCharacterID("Player"),false)
replace: SetGodMode(GetCharacterID("Player"),true)

Increase Mercenary life:
find: g_nMercenaryLife = 600
replace: g_nMercenaryLife = 999

Mercenary 1 God Mode:
find: SetGodMode(_idMerc[0],false)
replace: SetGodMode(_idMerc[0],true)

Mercenary 2 God Mode:
find: SetGodMode(_idMerc[1],false)
replace: SetGodMode(_idMerc[1],true)

Add Money For Picking
find: AddPlayerMoney(150.0)
replace: AddPlayerMoney(15000.0)

Weapon Modifications:
You can modify your weapons by opening the files located in the
Blood of Sahara\mods\Bos_AddOn1\Tuning\solo\weapons folder
If you set the weapon prices to negative value, you'll get
money instead of spending it.

Recieve money for buying weapons:
find: Price = 5000
replace: Price = -5000

There will be categories of weapons, for example, all SMG's configurations
are located in the smg.cfg file

Mission Modifications:
Open the file missions.cfg with notepad located in
Blood of Sahara\mods\Bos_AddOn1\Tuning\solo folder

Edit the file to activate the cheat function

Recieve extra money for missions (payment):
Payment_Easy = 8500.0,
Payment_Normal = 6800.0,
Payment_Hard = 6800.0,

Payment_Easy = 850000.0,
Payment_Normal = 680000.0,
Payment_Hard = 680000.0,