Cannon Fodder 1 cheat codes

Cannon Fodder 1

Cheat Code
To skip levels go to the map screen, hold down CTRL key (which is
located in the bottom right hand of your keyboard, for you slow
ones!) And type in 'Fodder'. A white boarder will/should appear
around the screen. No exit the map and return to the game.
When you press 'ENTER' a message will appear on the screen saying,
"Phase Complete." Now you can move onto the next level and ditto,
it's as simple as that.

Cheat Edit
Edit save game, change the value of offset for different stuff:

offset valid value
00 00-47 Current Mission
0C 00-23 Show Mission Briefings
48 00-FF Kills by Leader
4C 00-0E Rank of Leader 00-Private 0E-General
58 00-0E Rank 2nd
64 00-0E Rank 3rd
70 00-0E Rank 4th
7C 00-0E Rank 5th
12 00-FF Number of Recruits
6F2 00-FF Number of Kills

Call of Juarez cheat codes

Call of Juarez

Start game as usual, open up the console with [~] key (toggle) and enter
the desired commands below:
Cheat.GiveAmmo() - Full Ammo
Cheat.GiveRifle() - Gives a Rifle
Cheat.GiveDynamite() - Gives the Dynamite
Cheat.Heal() - Fills health up to 100
Cheat.God(1) - God Mode on
Cheat.God(0) - God Mode off
Cheat.MagicAmmo(1) - 'Unlimited ammo and no reload' mode on
Cheat.MagicAmmo(0) - 'Unlimited ammo and no reload' mode off

Note: Cheats are case sensitive!

Multi Player Commands:
Multiplayer commands need to be entered in the chat area
(default [Y] or [U] keys), not in the actual game console.
The following commands can be used by any players while
on a multiplayer server:
/Nick [nickname] - Changes your player's nickname to the one you enter,
limited to 14 characters.
/PlayerList - Shows the list of all players and their IDs.
/KillMe - Kills your character instantly.
/Exit - Exits game

The following commands are for Server Administrators only,
again to be entered in the chat area:
/AdminLogin [username] [password] - Logs you in as an admin;
users and passwords are defined on the
server in the ServerAdmins.scr file
in the game's profile.
/AdminLogout - Logs you out as the admin.
/Kick [nickname or ID] [reason] - Kicks a specified player off the server.
/Kill [nickname or ID] - Kills a specified player instantly.
/MapNext - Switches serverto the next map.
/ServerShutDown - Shuts down server after a few seconds.

Call of Duty: United Offensive

Call of Duty: United Offensive cheat code

Run the game with "+set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1" parameters:
"C:\Call of Duty\CoDUOSP.exe" +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1

Then bring down the console in game play and type the code below.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Cheat code

Run the game, enable console from options menu.
Press [~] to bring up console, and type "seta thereisacow 1337"
and then "spdevmap " or go to the map you want from the menu,
but it will not work if you resume game.
For mapname, put the name of the map you want to load with cheats
Type the following options you want in the console:
noclip - lets you fly and go through walls
ufo - same as noclip?
give - gives you an item. put all for all weapons
god - invincibility
demigod - god mode but your screen still shakes
notarget - enemies can't see you
give ammo - refill ammo
jump_height - change gravity
timescale - slow motion or chipmunk mode
cg_LaserForceOn - laser sight on any gun
r_fullbright - way easier to see stuff this way
cg_drawGun - Get rid of your gun
cg_fov - lets you zoom with any gun

Call of Duty cheat codes

Call of Duty

Create a shortcut to your Call of Duty executable and
add the following to the end of the command line:

+set monkeytoy 0 +set sv_cheats 1


+set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0

Now start the game.
Press the tilde (~) key to open the console,
and then enter the following:

god - God mode
give - Gives indicated item
give health - Full health
notarget - The enemies won't shoot you
noclip - You can go straigh through walls
give all - Gives all items
give ammo - Gives ammunition
debug 1 - Turns debug mode on (0 to turn it off)
developer 1 - Turns developer mode on (0 to turn it off)
ufo - Fly mode
jumptonode - Teleports you to a specific node on the map
kill - Suicide
testgun - ?
cvarlist - Gives a list of all cvars in the game
cvardump - Dumps all cvars to the console
cvar_restart - Reset all cvars
cmdlist - Gives a list of all commands in the game
shaderlist - Gives a list of all the shaders on the current map
imagelist - Gives a list of all images on the current map
snd_list - Gives a list of all sounds currently being used
entitylist - Gives a list of all entities currently in use
bindlist - Gives a list of all currently bound keys
gfxinfo - Gives information about the game graphics
savegame - Saves your game
loadgame - Load your saved game
reset - Resets a variable to it's default state
cinematic - Plays a cinematic file
testmodel - Spawns a model that you input
ai_corpsecount - how many seconds dead bodies remain on-screen
cg_brass 0 - Turns ejecting shells off
cg_marks 0 - Turns bullet marks off
cg_drawFPS 1 - Turns fps display on
cg_drawTimer 1 - Turns game timer on
cg_drawStatus 0 - Turns HUD off
cg_hudAlpha # - Sets HUD transparency (default is 1.0)
cg_draw2D 0 - Turns HUD and crosshair off
cg_drawCrosshair 0 - Turns crosshair off
cg_crosshairAlpha # - Sets crosshair transparency (default is 1.0)
cg_thirdPerson 1 - Turns on 3rd person view on.
cg_shellshock # - Activates the shellshock effect for the
duration that you specify
cg_showMiss 1 - Shows you how far off you are from hitting an npc
if you've missed.
cg_shadows 0 - Turns shadows off.
cg_noRender 0/1 - Gameplay will continue, but will no longer be rendered.
cg_subtitles 0/1 - Turns off/on subtitles
cg_letterbox 0/1 - Turns off/on letterbox format
cl_debugMove 0/1 - Turns off/on player and AI movement debugging.
con_debug 0/1 - Turns off/on console debugging.
fx_debug 0/1 - Turns off/on fx debugging.
fx_draw 0/1 - Turns off/on fx. If set to 0, no smoke,
muzzle flashes or particle effects will be drawn.
fx_enable 0/1 - Turns off/on fx. If set to 0, fx will be disabled.
fx_freeze 0/1 - Turns off/on fx freezing. If set to 1, smoke -
for example) will freeze in mid-air.
g_gravity # - Changes the amount of gravity in the game
(default is 800)
g_spawnai 0/1 - Don't spawn on the map (usually crashes the game)
g_ai 0/1 - Turns off/on ai in the game.
g_debugDamage 1 - View the amount of health that an npc has and
how much damage you have done to it.
g_vehicleDebug 0/1 - Turns off/on vehicle debug mode.
g_debugMove 1 - Turns off/on player and AI movement debugging.
g_debugBullets 1 - Turns off/on bullet debugging.
g_debugShowHit 1 - Turns off/on hit debugging.
g_drawEntBBoxes 1 - Turns off/on entity bounding boxes.
g_gameSkill # - Sets the game skill level
g_knockback # - Sets the knockback power of weapons (default is 1000)
r_fog 0/1 - Turns off/on fog
r_drawEntities 0/1 - Turns off/on objects and npc's. Default is 1
r_drawWorld 0/1 - Turns off/on all objects and backgrounds.
Default is 1
r_showtris 0/1 - Turns off/on wireframe mode. Default is 0
cg_skybox 0/1 - ??????
cg_stats 0/1 - ??????
cg_noPredict 0/1 - ??????
cg_selectPlayer - ??????
cg_tracerChance - ??????
cg_ignore 0/1 - ??????
debug_tankall 1 - ??????
chain 1 - ??????
g_changelevel_time - ??????
cl_run 0/1 - ??????
cl_running 0/1 - ??????
dmflags 0/1 - ??????
ai_nocriticalsections 1 - ??????

Note: All the codes with 0/1 are toggles;
use 0 to turn them off and 1 to turn them on

Note2: If the console tells you that "sv_cheats are read only"
after you enter a code, then try typing "setrandom sv_cheats

If you see cheats are not enabled on this server then type spdevmap [mapname].
For example, spdevmap burnville or spdevmap dawnville.

Call for Heroes Pompolic Wars

Call for Heroes Pompolic Wars

Start game as usual - in game, bring up the console with [~] (tilde)
and enter the following codes:
god - God mode (toggle on/off)
notarget - Enemies can't see you (toggle on/off)
killall - Kills all enemies on screen
killovums - Kills all ovums on screen
gametasksdone - Complete Mission
give - where can be an item from the list below:

The following cheats work for BOTH characters in conjuction with the
command: give (e.g.: give time)
mana - Gives max green & blue mana
stamina - Gives max stamina
weapon_all - Gives all weapons (without ammo)
coins - Gives up to 50 coins (needed for timed godmode)
monstersouls - Gives up to 100 monster souls
xp - Gives exerience points so player can upgrade
time - Adds 5 minutes to the timer
item_healthpotion - Gives 1 health potion
item_superhealing - Gives 1 super healing
item_fullregen - Gives 1 full regeneration
item_respawn - Gives 1 respawn
specabilities_all - Gives all special abilities

The following cheats work ONLY for the WARRIOR character, again
in conjuction with the command: give (e.g.: give time)
armor - Gives Armor
shield - Gives Shield
weapon_handaxe - Gives Handaxe
weapon_trimace - Gives Trimace
weapon_soa - Gives Skull of Annihilation
weapon_warsword - Gives Warsword
weapon_battleaxe - Gives Battleaxe
weapon_warhammer - Gives Warhammer
ammo_soa - Gives Ammo for Skull of Annihilation
item_iconofmight - Gives Icon of Might
item_iconofdefense - Gives Icon of Defense
item_iconofcold - Gives Icon of Cold

The following cheats work ONLY for the AMAZON character, again
in conjuction with the command: give (e.g.: give time)
weapon_shortsword - Gives Shortsword
weapon_bow - Gives Bow
weapon_spear - Gives Spear
weapon_crossbow - Gives Crossbow
weapon_crossbow2 - Gives Skullbolt Cast Crossbow
weapon_scimitar - Gives Scimitar
weapon_firebow - Gives Fire Bow
weapon_swarmbitebow - Gives Swarmbite Bow
ammo_arrows - Gives Arrows
ammo_bolts - Gives Bolts
ammo_skullbolts - Gives Skullbolts
ammo_firearrows - Gives Firearrows
ammo_swarmbitearrows - Gives Swarmbitearrows
item_iconofregeneration - Gives Icon of Regeneration
item_iconoffire - Gives Icon of Fire
item_iconofinvisibility - Gives Icon of Invisibility

Call Of Duty: World At War cheat codes

Call Of Duty: World At War cheat code

Press [~] to display the console window. Type devmap mak to enable cheat mode.
Then, enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate
the corresponding cheat function:
god - God mode
give all - All weapons
notarget - Disable AI
noclip - No clipping mode
map [name] - Change maps
mapname - List maps
devmap [map name] - Change maps
jumptonode - Teleport to a node.
ufo - Flight mode.
mapname - List maps.
demigod - Double health and can survive one grenade explosion.
sf_use_ignoreammo 1 - Unlimited amunition.
sf_use_bw 1 - Black and white movie mode.
sf_use_invert 1 - Photo negative mode.
sf_use_chaplin 1 - Silent movie mode.

Level select codes:
First unlock the game's console by going to Game Options and select "Yes"
for the Game Console. Next open it up with the [~] key. Then, type in these
codes to go to the level.
Devmap see2 - Play the mission Blood and Iron.
Devmap pel1a - Play the mission Burn 'Em Out.
Devmap ber2 - Play the mission Eviction.
Devmap pel2 - Play the mission Hard Landing.
Devmap pel1 - Play the mission Little Resistance.
Devmap pel1b - Play the mission Relentless.
Devmap ber1 - Play the mission Ring Of Steel.
Devmap mak - Play the mission Semper Fi.
Devmap see1 - Play the mission Their Land, Their Blood.
Devmap sniper - Play the mission Vendetta.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops cheat codes

Call Of Duty: Black Ops

Use a text editor to edit the "config.cfg" file in the "players"
directory in the game folder. Change the value of the seta monkeytoy "1"
line to seta monkeytoy "0". Save the file, then change its attributes
to read-only. Press [~] at main menu to display the console window,
then enter one of the following codes to start at the indcated map

/devmap zombie_five - Kino Der Toten
/devmap zombie_pentagon - Pentagon

After the map loads, press [~] again to display the console window,
then enter one of the following cheats:
/god - God mode
/demigod - Juggernaut
/give ammo - Ammunition
/noclip - No clipping mode
/ufo - Flight mode
/give all - Extra weapons
/g_speed [number] - Set player speed
/player_sustainammo 1 - Unlimited ammunition

Central Intelligence Agency Data System:
On the Main Menu, alternately tap RIGHT and LEFT triggers
(or hold the Space bar on a keyboard). After a bit, you'll stand up.
Leave your seat and examine the back wall. A small black and white computer
terminal can be found here. Approach it and enter these codes using
the on-screen keyboard in the "Central Intelligence Agency Data System."
DOA - Play the super-awesome top-down Smash
TV-style Dead Ops Arcade minigame.
3ARC INTEL - Unlocks all the intel in the game for viewing.
(Disables Closer Analysis Trophy/Achievement)
3ARC UNLOCK - Unlocks all levels and Zombie Mode levels.
ZORK - Unlocks Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (great text
adventure from 1980) which you can play on the console.
HELP - Gives you a list of commands to interface with the console
you can check mail messages and perform other mundane
functions, some of which are listed below.
DIR - Gives a list of audio files and pictures which you can
open with the CAT command (e.g. CAT NoteX.txt).
WHO - Gives a list of login names for use with the RLOGIN function.
(but they require a password)
PRINT[filename] - Open corresponding file.
LOGIN - Attempt a new session with a corresponding login & password.
LS - Display contents of the current directory.
ENCODE - Encode a string using the CIA's cipher.
DECODE - Decode a string using the CIA's cipher.
MAIL - Open the mail folder for the current user.
FOOBAR - Displays "Fee Fie Foe Foo!"
ALICIA - Alicia virtual therapist game.

Call Of Duty 2 cheat codes

Call Of Duty 2

To activate cheat codes, go to OPTIONGAME OPTION and ENABLE CONSOLE,
click YES.
In menu title press [~] and type: developer 1
to enable cheat codes, LOAD button appears, click it and select the level
Once the level is loaded type ~ again and type "devmap" and you can use
the following codes:

god - God Mode
give ammo - All Ammo
give all - All weapons, full ammo, health and armor
noclip - Walk through solid objects
notarget - Invisibility to most enemies
kill - suicide

Call Of Cthulhu: Dark Corners Of The Earth cheat codes

Call Of Cthulhu: Dark Corners Of The Earth

Hardened Detective difficulty:
Successfully complete the game under the
Private Investigator difficulty setting.

Mythos Master difficulty:
Successfully complete the game under the
Hardened Detective difficulty setting.

"A" rank:
Get a 100% game completion to earn an "A" rank.
This can be done by collecting all journal entries
(thirteen in Jack's Diary, eighteen in General Evidence,
and six in Mythos Tomes), finding the rifle a reception
office door in the refinery, saving Ruth from the rafters,
and keeping enough sailors alive during the boat ambush
all under three and a half hours with less than
thirty saves done manually.

Variety Store: Safe combination:
The combination to the safe in the Variety Store is 2-6-1-2.

Caesar 2

Caesar 2

Start a new game, and save it. Then hexedit the save file. Goto offset
207340 and change it to FF FF FF, do the same at offset 221132.
This way you will have so many Dinari you won't be able to use them all.

Type in "tarmac" to activate the following cheats:
~~~~ ~~~~~~
chrisedwards all weapons
arloeisenberg full life
bhardin invincible barriers

Create disease:
Click on the "Build Praefecture" button. Click the Right Mouse Button
on a square with a house to infect that house with disease.

Faster time:
Hold A while in "City" or "Province" mode.

Caesar 1 cheat codes

Caesar 1

Logically more businesses means less unemployment, but choosing the right
industry is important. Heavy industry structures and marketplaces should be
the best choice. Even building forums will make a slight dent in unemployment

To get a good game going, try the following:
Try to start building your city between two rivers or better still and area
of land where two rivers converge. Instead of building walls to enclose the
city put down a line of wells - the barbarians can't cross water or destroy
the wells so your city always gets off to a good start.

Raise your personal income to around 100 denari so you can build up a
personal fortune. The way you can use your wealth to invest when times get
hard. Only accept promotion when you've got maximum personal fortune.

Don't build houses close to industry and workshops - people won't live there
and the houses won't get past the second stage of development. People want
to live close to the forum - bath houses and oracles. Make sure houses have
the necessary water supply and if you build roads near them they're much more
likely to grow.

Don't forget to take care of the provincial level - you must keep the
barbarians out of your city. Increase the slave wages and army wages straight
away - it's worth making the army wages absurdly high. Assign more slaves
than you need to all the duties (particularly fire prevention) and when you've
recruited plenty of soldiers switch to the provincial level. Place a couple
of cohorts as a precautionary measure and make them patrol around your city.
Spend some time on the provincial map watching for where the barbarian
ships are landing and when you see where the troops come ashore. Put a line
of wall along the coast. The next time the barbarians land they should be
trapped on the beach and they won't be able to knock down the wall. You can
now carry on building your city in peace just make sure the walls don't

How get 25,000 Dn. in Caesar ?.
It is a simple command DEBUG Command.
Well, enough typing, let's get to it!

C:\>DEBUG ********.sav (The ******** means your game file.)
-e 13e a8 61

When you load your game you should have 25,000 Dn. Good luck
and may the Empire notice your achievements!

Cadaver cheat codes


Starting at different levels
Cadaver uses a special data system for defining each level.
Thus, you can start play on a different level simply by copying
the files in the data subdirectory of the level you wish to level 1.
The batch file below should be typed in and saved in the directory
Cadaver is located in under the name

IF NOT "%1" == "1" GOTO NOTONE
COPY DATA\0\*.* 1 > NUL
COPY DATA\%1\???%1.* DATA\1\???1.* > NUL

Cabela's Off-Road Adventures 1

Cabela's Off-Road Adventures 1

Alter Settings:
In gameplay when you are in a truck:
Press q, i , f12 at the same time, then press
the ~ key. This will bring up a console in the
lower left of the screen with a heading like this:
4x4> Press enter after each command is put in; the
commands are as follows:

Code Result
settyrescale(number) - this will determine tire size.
(i.e., 4x4>settyrescale(0.5) will
give you tiny tires.)
hanyman() - will repair your truck
ironman(1) - no damage to truck
freeman() - will unlock all modes

Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2

Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2

Weapon sighting coordinates
While at the target range and ready to shoot, press
[Alt] + [Ctrl] + T. Fire to display targeting coordinates
in X-Y format. Use the cursor keys to adjust the coordinates
until they are set to 0-0. The weapon is now sighted in.
Cheat Codes
While playing a game, enter one of the following codes to
activate the corresponding cheat function:

Enable boxes *Note* [Alt] + [Ctrl] + B
Auto camera [Alt] + [Ctrl] + C
Display frame rate [Alt] + [Ctrl] + F
Full health [Alt] + [Ctrl] + H
Toggle lightning [Alt] + [Ctrl] + L
Toggle rain [Alt] + [Ctrl] + R
Toggle snow [Alt] + [Ctrl] + S
Toggle wind [Alt] + [Ctrl] + W

Note: Red boxes indicate non-moving dead fields; yellow boxes
are possible animal locations; green boxes are animals. Green
boxes on the video will indicate the kill zone.

Cabela's Big Game Hunter 1 cheat codes

Cabela's Big Game Hunter 1

Animal Calls
Use the same animal call three times back to back
and the animal you called will appear somewhere
in the hunting area.

Easy Kill
To get an easy kill just sit there until your hunter
friend says something like "did you hear something
in the bushes" then wait 5 minutes and a little cross
thing should come up and you should be able to shoot
the animal you are hunting.

Free Equipment
Start a new game, go to the outfitter and select your
equipment. Now go to the menu and save your equipment.
Start another new game and buy your tags. When you get
to the field, go to the menu, choose LOAD EQUIPMENT and
choose the items you saved.

Quick Kill
Go to your hunting spot. Use the correct animal call a
couple of times until you here your modem make a loading
noise, (like something is loading on your computer).
Now call again. Look around and see if the crosshairs
appear. Repeat until you kill an animal.

CIA Operative: Solo Missions cheat codes

CIA Operative: Solo Missions

Start game with Solomisons.exe -console
press ~ or ESC to get rid of it

In game use the tile-key (~) to bring down the console
and type one of these:

Code Result
GOD - God mode
FLY - Free flying mode
NOTARGET - Enemys no longer shoot
NOCLIP - Walk trough walls
MAP X? - replace ? with 1-6 to jump to a map
endgame - Win Game
timescale # - Set Game Speed to # (normal is 1)

Bug's Life

Bug's Life

Bonus level: Enter BL26 as a password.
Level Password:
1 9LKK
2 BL26
3 5P9K
4 6652
5 BKK2
6 2PLB
7 6562
8 L58B



There is a secret password zone in the about dialog box.
Hold the shift key and click on the black pixel of the right eye on the
image of Bug. A dialog box will appear. Click in the box, type BABYSEALS,
and click either the WOW! or YIKES! boxes (*not* the OK box).
Now there is a new menu to the right of the Help menu. It does not
show anything, but when the blank area just to the right of the Help
menu is clicked, a new menu drops down with the following on/off choices:

Level Skip - Duck/Crouch plus Up = skip forward one level
Duck/Crouch plus Down = skip backward one level
Flying Bug - Press Y to lift off and direction controls to move
Note: If this is checked, the Level Skip cheat also works
Invincibility - Enemies go right through Bug without hurting him
Hitpoints - Bug reacts as though he's been hurt, but no hitpoints
taken off

Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee

(This is for the disk version only.) One thing you could do
is play option C, one player vs. your opponent played by the other
player. But this time, play alone, and make sure the second joystick
is calibrated wrong. If the computer sees that the Green Yamo isn't
moving, it will take over, so a wrong calibration will make it move
all of the time. So, you're playing, but that stupid ninja is in
your way and it won't let you win. So, fix it! Eliminate him. And
this is how you do it. Get a disk utility, preferably Norton
Utilities. Zap the Bruce Lee disk. Make the following changes
to a backup copy.

10F 8B 09 3F
162 09 3F

That's all there is to it. Now you play, the Green Yamo flying around
crazily, and the ninja. The ninja should appear for a quick second then

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file;
create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.
Use a text editor to edit the "bia.ini" file in the "system"
folder in the game directory.

Look for the "[Engine.GameInfo]" heading, then enter the
line "bCheatsEnabled=True" below it. Look for the "[Engine.Console]" heading,
then enter the line "ConsoleKey=192" below it.

Then, press [~] during game play to display the console window.
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding
cheat function.

god - God mode
fly - Flight mode
walk - Disable flight and no clipping mode
allweapons - All weapons
ghost - No clipping Mode
allammo - Extra ammunition
invisible (0 or 1) - Togle invisibility
killall - Kils everything
loaded - Get all items
unloaded - Remove all items
loadspmap [map name] - Select map
oldmovie - Old movie mode
summon [item name] - Spawn indicated item
blindai (0 or 1) - Toggle blind AI
deafai (0 or 1) - Toggle deaf AI
blindenemies (0 or 1) - Toggle blind enemies
deafenemies (0 or 1) - Toggle deaf enemies
supersquad - Unknown
lightperiod - Unknown
lightcone - Unknown
getfirstmission - Unknown
pawnanimextra - Unknown
soundocclusion - Unknown
smiteevil - Unknown
avatar - Unknown

Unlock Old Movie:
Beat the game on Normal difficulty setting.

Unlock Unlimited Ammo:
Beat the game on Normal difficulty setting.

Unlock Authentic Mode:
Beat "Brothers in Arms" on Difficult difficulty setting.

Unlock Super Squad:
Complete game on Authentic mode.

Speed This The Heck Up:
Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting.
Choose the last level at the chapter selection screen and play it
under a different difficulty setting.

Squad healing:
If your character is killed three consecutive times, you will be
given a chance to heal any injuries to your squad. To quickly get
to this point, intentionally throw grenades at your own feet.

Brain Lara Cricket

Brain Lara Cricket

Enter these passwords in the Classic Match screen:

PENSIONS World XI team
NITESOWLS - enables some classic
CMBRLARA - super batsmen
NONOTOUT - unbreakable wickets
TIMEWARP - Fast Match
MEDICINE - Large Cricket Ball
SLIPPERY - Players have butter fingers
WIPEOUTS - enables some classic
TIMELINE - enables some classic
SCARFACE - enables some classic
SILLYBOY - enables some classic
COPYCATS - enables some classic
HALFLIFE - enables some classic
OLDTIMER - Classic Team
CMBRLARA - Super Batsman
TIMEWARP - Fast Match
SUNSHINE - Beach Around the Pitch
CATSDOGS - Always Rains During Test Match
FINISHED - All Classic Matches Enabled
SETMOUSE - Use LeftCtrl + Alt to rotate the mouse for free look


Bomberman 2

Bomberman 2

Level Code
1 8566
2 9634
3 1637
4 0320
5 6524
6 3260
7 4783
8 5472



Level Password

Blood 2: The Chosen cheat codes

Blood 2: The Chosen

Press "T", then:

MPGOD - God mode
MPKFA - Lotsa weapons
MPAMMO - Full ammo
MPCLIP - Spectator mode (no clipping)
MPHEALTHY - Fills up your health
MPWHEREAMI - Displays your coordinates
MPBEEFCAKE - Increased Power (more gore)
MPKILLEMALL - Kill's all monsters on level
MPSPEEDUP - Increases your speed (1..5)
MPSTRONGER - Increases your strength (1..5)
MPCALEB - Changes your character model to Caleb
MPOPHELIA - Changes your character model to Ophelia
MPISHMAEL - Changes your character model to Ishmael
MPGABBY - Changes your character model to Gabriella
MPBERETTA - Gives you the Beretta, do twice for dual weapon
MPSUBMACHINEGUN - " " Submachinegun "
MPFLAREGUN - " " Flaregun "
MPSHOTGUN - " " Shotgun "
MPSNIPERRIFLE - " " Sniper Rifle
MPHOWITZER - " " Howitzer
MPNAPALMCANNON - " " Napalm Cannon
MPSINGULARITY - " " Singularity Generator
MPASSAULTRIFLE - " " Assault Rifle
MPBUGBUSTER - " " Bug buster
MPMINIGUN - " " Minigun
MPLASERRIFLE - " " Cobalco Laser Rifle
MPTESLACANNON - " " Tesla Cannon
MPVOODOO - " " Voodoo Doll
MPTHEORB - " " The Orb
MPLIFELEECH - " " Life Leech
MPGOBLE - 'Brian L. Goble is a programming god!'
MPTOTARO - 'Jim Totaro is da man!'
MPGOSHOPPING - Gives all items
MPNICENURSE - Gives +25 health
MPREALLYNICENURSE - Gaves 300 health
MPWARD - Gives ward (25 armor)
MPNEWCROWARD - Gives newcroward (100 armor)
MPCARBONFIBER - Gives Willpower Powerup
MPTAKEOFFSHOES - Makes you invisible
MPHERKERMUR - Gives Triple Damage Powerup
MPBEANSOFCOOLNESS - Gives a nice selection of weapons

Blood 1 cheat codes

Blood 1

Type T and then enter codes as you would messages in multiplayer mode.
bunz: gives all shareware weapons, unlimited ammo and akimbo
(dual weapons) mode.
calgon: level warp.
capinmyass: god mode off.
clarice: gives 100 health.
cousteau: gives 200 health.
edmark: shows "ahhh... those were the days."
eva galli: toggles no clipping mode.
fork broussard: super drunk mode.
funky shoes: gives the superjump powerup.
goonies: grants full map.
griswold: grants full armor.
hongkong: gives all shareware weapons and unlimited ammo.
i wanna be like kevin: toggles god mode.
idaho: gives all sharewareweapons/ammo (limited)
jojo: drunk mode.
kevorkian: kills you.
keymaster: gives all keys.
krueger: sets you on fire. deadly.
lara croft: gives all shareware weapons and unlimited ammo.
mario: level warp.
mcgee: sets you on fire. deadly.
montana: gives all inventory items.
mpkfa: god mode.
nocapinmyass: god mode.
onering: grants temporary limited invisibility.
rate: displays frame rate (didn't work for us).
satchel: gives all inventory items.
spielberg: level warp.
spork: gives 200 health.
sterno: turns the screen black then fades back.
tequila: grants akimbo (dual weapons) mode.
voorhees: shows "I will not cheat. I will not cheat."



Type in as level codes to activate a cheat:

Code Result
4eva young - Invulnerability
Born to Cheat - Super bomb
Abrakadabra - 99 mega bombs
Perpetum Mobile - Unlimited weapon energy
Extravaganza - Change colors of the ship

Blacklight: Tango Down

Blacklight: Tango Down

Choose "Help + Options" in the Main Menu and then choose "Unlock Code."
Enter the following codes for the desired tag. You can add tags in weapon
customization menus. A bell and scream will sound when you enter each code.
Alienwarec8pestU - Alienware Black Dog tags
Al13nwa4re5acasE - Alienware Symbol
4MDB4quprex - AMD VISION (blue)
AMD3afrUnap - AMD VISION (red)
AT1hAqup7Su - ATi
AUS9eT5edru - Australian Flag
AUTF6crAS5u - Austria Flag
BELS7utHAsP - Belgium Flag
R41nB0wu7p3 - Blacklight and crossed swords
Ch1pBLuS9PR - Blacklight logo chip
CANfeprUtr5 - Canada Flag
DENdathe8HU - Denmark Flag
E3F6crAS5u - E3 Dog Tags
Fam1tsuprusWe2e - Famitsu dog tag
FINw3uthEfe - Finland Flag
FRApRUyUT4a - France Flag
GERtRE4a4eS - Germany Flag
HOKYeQuKuw3 - Hong Kong Flag
INDs4u8RApr - India Flag
IRE8ruGejec - Ireland Flag
ITAQ7Swu9re - Italian Flag
J4ceH4llstuFaCh4 - Jace Hall Show Logo
JPNj7fazebR - Japanese Flag
KORpaphA9uK - Korean Flag
MEX5Usw2YAd - Mexico Flag
NZLxut32eSA - New Zealand Flag
NOR3Waga8wa - Norweigien Flag
Ch1pMMRSc0rp - Orange Scorpion logo chip
Ch1p0RD3Ru02 - Order logo chip
H4rtBr34kerio4u - Pink Brass Knuckles
PORQ54aFrEY - Portugal Flag
R4z3erzu8habuC - Razer Logo
RUS7rusteXe - Russia Flag
SINvuS8E2aC - Singapore Flag
StormLion9rAVaZ2 - Storm Lion Comics Logo - shaped
St0rmLi0nB4qupre - Strom Lion Comics Logo - rectangle
SWEt2aPHutr - Sweden Flag
SWIsTE8tafU - Switzerland Flag
TAW8udukUP2 - Taiwan Flag
UKv4D3phed - United Kingdom Flag
USAM3spudre - United States Flag
SKULLCLUB9rAVaZ2 - Unkown Effect
Bl4ckl1ght2Ru7uS - Unkown Effect
HOLb8e6UWuh - Unlock Holland Flag; Tag #132.
(Gives a health recharge rate boost!)
ESPChE4At5p - Unlock Spain Flag; Tag # 139.
(Improves the recharge on your HRV slightly!)
UPGr0undv2FUDame - Upper Playground Logo.
UPGr0undWupraf4u - Upper Playground Logo.
Ch1p1GN1u0S - UTV Lightning Logo chip.
Denek1Ju3aceH7 - Yellow Teddy Bear.
Ch1pZ0MB1Et7 - Zombie Studios logo chip.

Blackhawk cheat codes


Quick tips and first two level codes.

Play the practice mode to get used to the controls.

To kill the beasties, hide in the shadows (pressing up), and only
fire at them when they are reloading their gun.

Don't stand on the small metals plates that are scattered about
the floor, as these will reveal a big gun from the ceiling !!
Simply jump over them.

Level 2 : [FBWC]
Level 3 : [QP7R]

Black & White 1

Black & White 1

Unlimited Water Miracles:
Use the following trick to get unlimited Water Miracles
on the first level. At the place where there is the
first silver reward, scroll on land one. After completing
it, knock over the rock again and it turns into a
Water Miracle.

Alter time:
Hold [Alt] and press 1 to slow down time or hold [Alt]
and press 2 to speed up time.

South Park spoof:
Leave the game running without taking any actions.
Eventually, you will hear the advisors in a spoof
of South Park.

Easy miracles:
You can teach your creature some miracles easily.
Take either Food, Wood, Water, Lightning, Fireball,
Teleport, or any other miracle you can use and use
some/regrab it. Then put the rest back in the dish at
the worship site. You will get the same amount of prayer
power, so you can use it again.

Finding one-shot miracles:
You can sometimes find one-shot miracles under
trees and rocks.

Dice and a teddy bear:
In land one (the first island), go above the cache (the
location where many children live), and zoom in until
you are "in" the house. You should see two big dice, a
small die, and a big Teddy Bear.

Unlimited Lightning Miracles:
Take the Lightning Miracle and go the the edge of your
influence. You can win whole towns by jumping out long
enough for a brief shot and back in before it is used up.

Unlimited food and wood:
Activate a Food or Wood Miracle. Then hold the Hand
over the door of the village store or workshop and
quickly and repeatedly press the Right Mouse Button.
If done correctly, a large amount of food or wood will
be created for very little mana.

April Fools Trick:
During the game on April 1st, Your monster will leave
smiley face foot prints in the ground instead of their
regular foot prints. You do this change your computer's
date to April 1st.

Bird Hunter: Waterfowl Edition

Bird Hunter: Waterfowl Edition

On both hunt sreen and/or map screen type:
Code Action
dggoldenegg Makes birds more curious less likely to spook
dgluckyducky Many, many birds

On the hunt view screen type:
Code Action
dgeggsact Stops gun wobble
dgfamine Makes birds look for a feeding spot
dgsnowgoose Weather effects
dgtoughday Makes birds look for a rest spot
dgyadayada Makes hunters more likely to speak

On the map view screen type:
Code Action
dgbirdseye Show bird icons
dgdaffy Only ducks will fly onto map
dgmother Only geese
dgwarp Allows hunter to teleport across map

Bird Hunter

Bird Hunter

Codes that work in both the hunt view and the map view:

DGGOLDENEGG - makes birds more curious, less likely to spook
DGLUCKYDUCK - many, many birds :)

*Only the map view:
DGBIRDSEYE - show bird icons
DGWARP - allows hunter to teleport across map

*Only the hunt view:
DGEGGSACT - stops gun wobble
DGFAMINE - makes birds look for a feeding site
DGPREDATOR - predator effect (like Trophy Hunter)
DGSNOWGOOSE - weather effects

BioShock cheat codes


Restore hacked robot's health:
After hacking a robot, it will begin firing at your enemies. If the robot
gets hit it will begin to lose health, catch on fire, and eventually blow up.
To stop this from happening, deactivate the robot, then reactivate it a
few seconds later. This should make the robot have full health again.

Save game recommendation:
After becoming a Big Daddy, make a new saved game. At this point you
are near the end of the game. If you missed something you can go to
the bathysphere and explore Rapture again, but also you are a Big Daddy
now so the splicers will not harm you, security cameras will not set
off alarms, etc.

Billy Bob Invasion to the Flying Islands cheat codes

Billy Bob Invasion to the Flying Islands

In menu type "BUGCHEATS" to enable cheats and "ALLWORLDS"
to have have access to all worlds.

In game press:
SLOWBUG - slow all enemies
TURBOMODE - super speed
ADDLIFE - add life
ADDSCORE - add score
ADDFUEL - Add Fuel
SHIELD - activate shield
NEXTLEVEL - Level Warp
RETRO - Change View
FLASH - Thunderbolt
CALL - Call To SuperHero

Note: Each cheat will make a bonus fall which you have
to collect to get the cheat

Level codes :
Science Lab Ashland
Level 6 - CTTK Level 6 - TQTD
Level 11 - BDJD Level 11 - FLJD
Level 16 - ESLE Level 16 - UFFH
Level 21 - SGMS Level 21 - BYTV

Empire of Sand Sky Haven
Level 6 - FHUF Level 6 - TVBY
Level 11 - FKVF Level 11 - LHRQ
Level 16 - JDBD Level 16 - NYES
Level 21 - FYAA Level 21 - THCT



Editing Billionaire:
Open your save game EX Game.bil using wordpad to modify billionaire

name of player 1
Number of Lots
Value of Lots
Number of buildings
Buildings value
Share Value
Total Player Value
Name of Player 2
Number of Lots
Value of Lots
Number of Buildings
Value of Buildings
Share Value
Player 2 Total Value

Big Biz Tycoon

Big Biz Tycoon

Press enter to open a command line then enter "cmd" with out the quotes.
This will enable the cheat mode.
Then enter the rest of the cheats.

repair - Repair all objects in office
mission ok - Complete level
mission cancel - Fail level
beggar enter - Spawn beggar (in some levels)
banker enter - Spawn banker (in some levels)
angel enter - Spawn angel (in some levels)
gangster enter - Spawn gangster (in some levels)
thief enter - Spawn thief (in some levels)
merchant enter - Spawn merchant (in some levels)
run mission - Toggle mission
scenario check - Log scenario
pr up - Increase PR rating
pr down - Decrease PR rating
time stop - Stop time
time default - Restore time
Set time multiplier; smaller
time - values are faster
money - Get indicated amount of money
level up - Able to make up to level 5 projects

Beyond The Black Hole

Beyond The Black Hole

For infinite health in this game, use the DOS utility DEBUG. First backup
your game to be edited, then type the following from the DOS prompt:

ren bh.exe cheater.cht
a 100
mov dx,es
add dx,1000
mov es,dx

g 108
r ip
n cheater.cht
e es:50dc 90 90 90 90
Then type:

Then rename CHEATER.CHT back to its previous name.

Bet On Soldier: Blood of Sahara

Bet On Soldier: Blood of Sahara

Warning: Before editing the gamefiles please make a backup
of the file you are going to modify.

When editing the file use the [TAB] key to make a large distance (not [Space])

Open the file Globals.lua with notepad located in the next folder:
Blood of Sahara\mods\Bos_AddOn1\Script

and edit the file to activate the cheat function:

Increase Player Life to 9999:
find: g_nPlayerLife = 1000
replace: g_nPlayerLife = 9999

God mode:
find: SetGodMode(GetCharacterID("Player"),false)
replace: SetGodMode(GetCharacterID("Player"),true)

Increase Mercenary life:
find: g_nMercenaryLife = 600
replace: g_nMercenaryLife = 999

Mercenary 1 God Mode:
find: SetGodMode(_idMerc[0],false)
replace: SetGodMode(_idMerc[0],true)

Mercenary 2 God Mode:
find: SetGodMode(_idMerc[1],false)
replace: SetGodMode(_idMerc[1],true)

Add Money For Picking
find: AddPlayerMoney(150.0)
replace: AddPlayerMoney(15000.0)

Weapon Modifications:
You can modify your weapons by opening the files located in the
Blood of Sahara\mods\Bos_AddOn1\Tuning\solo\weapons folder
If you set the weapon prices to negative value, you'll get
money instead of spending it.

Recieve money for buying weapons:
find: Price = 5000
replace: Price = -5000

There will be categories of weapons, for example, all SMG's configurations
are located in the smg.cfg file

Mission Modifications:
Open the file missions.cfg with notepad located in
Blood of Sahara\mods\Bos_AddOn1\Tuning\solo folder

Edit the file to activate the cheat function

Recieve extra money for missions (payment):
Payment_Easy = 8500.0,
Payment_Normal = 6800.0,
Payment_Hard = 6800.0,

Payment_Easy = 850000.0,
Payment_Normal = 680000.0,
Payment_Hard = 680000.0,

Bejeweled 2

Bejeweled 2

Type "STARFIELD" in any mode for space effects!
Type "NOFRAME" in any mode to hide the game border!
(retype the same code to revert to normal)

Beach Volleyball

Beach Volleyball

Type 'DADDY BRACEY' to activate the level skip option.
The screen should flash. Press F1 to skip levels.

Battlezone: The Red Odyssey

Battlezone: The Red Odyssey

Press [SHIFT] and [ALT] while playing and type
the folowing codes:

Code Result
TENERD - Satellite Without Com Tower
TEBUFFY - God Mode
TEDEADITE - Unlimited Ammo
TERAT - Unlimited Scrap

Mission select:
Use the following steps to select a mission without having to
complete any others.
Go into the "Mission Start" screen for either the Black Dogs
or the Red Storm. Type iamadirtycheater at that screen.
A list of files will appear in the upper left box with the
planet. Choose the desired mission and begin game play.

Battlezone 2: Combat Commander cheat codes

Battlezone 2: Combat Commander

Hold [Ctrl] and press ~ to display the console screen.
Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the
corresponding cheat function.

Result Code
Unlimited shields - game.cheat bzbody
Unlimited pilots and resource - game.cheat bzfree
Full map - game.cheat bzradar
Unlimited ammo - game.cheat bztnt
Instant comsat link - game.cheat bzview
Mission skip - ai.winmission
Play as ISDF after mission 14 - play isdf
Play as Scion after mission 14 - play scion

Battlezone 1 cheat codes

Battlezone 1


Cheat method #1:

Enter these codes while playing:

Unlimited Shilds:
Hold and and type: BZBODY

Unlimited Pilots and Recoursen:
Hold and and type: BZFREE

Full Map:
Hold and and type: BZRADAR

Unlimited Ammo:
Hold and and type: BZTNT

Better Satellite view:
Hold and and type: BZVIEW

Cheat method #2:

Enter these codes while playing:

Hold [Ctrl]+[Shift] and type BZBODY
Vehicle does not take any damage.
The screen will flash green, and the
health powerup sound will play.

Hold [Ctrl]+[Shift] and type BZTNT
Vehicle does not expend any ammunition.
The screen will flash blue, and the ammo
powerup sound will play.

Hold [Ctrl]+[Shift] and type BZFREE
Construction costs no scrap or pilots.
The screen will flash white, and the
scavenger sucking sound will play.

Hold [Ctrl]+[Shift] and type BZVIEW
Satellite view does not require a comm tower.
The screen will flash yellow, and the menu
next sound will play.

Hold [Ctrl]+[Shift] and type BZRADAR
Enemy objects are always visible, regardless of
distance or stealth. The screen will flash purple,
and the radar ping sound will play.

IAMADIRTYCHEATER (typed on mission start screen)
Enables all the missions.

Battleship cheat codes


This cheat only works when absolutely nothing of your army
(that includes islands, merchant fleets,oil rigs etc.) is on
enemy radar.
1. Set a waypoint for one of your ships (or subs, jets, AWACS)
to follow.
2. Go to Continue Play.
3. Press s
4. "Fast" should be displayed.
5. The thing you sent on its mission will move very quickly until
it is spotted on enemy radar.

If the cheat does not work, try typing "carryes" instead of
just "s". Be sure not to be on enemy radar.

Battlehawks 1942 cheat codes

Battlehawks 1942

To keep your pilots alive forever, make a copy of the files that
have your name before you go on a dangerous mission. For example
PILOT1.PLT or JOHN.PLT. If you get killed you can copy the file
back and your pilot is resurrected as though he had never flown the
fatal mission. For example, to copy the file JAMES.PLT change to
the Battlehawks directory and type:
To resurrect the pilot change to the Battlehawks directory and then type:
Make sure you copy the .PLT file every time you have a successful
mission. Make a separate backup copy for each pilot you have.

Battlefield: Vietnam cheat codes

Battlefield: Vietnam

Skip opening sequence:
Begin your game with the restart +1 command line parameter.

Unlike Battlefield 1942, players should take advantage of dense Vietnamese
foliage to sneak around battles.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Bonus Weapons:
Go to the "Multiplayer" menu and select "Unlockables" and enter in each phrase
try4ndrunf0rcov3r - M60 Machine Gun
your3mynextt4rget - QBU-88 Sniper Rifle
cov3r1ngthecorn3r - Uzi

Battlefield 2142 cheat codes

Battlefield 2142

Heal faster:
If you are playing as the Assault class, throw one medkit on the
ground and hold one in your hands to heal twice as fast.

No intro:
Go into: "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield 2142\modsbf2142\Movies",
and move all of the files out of the folder. you will now load to the login
screen when you start the game.

Higher rank:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file;
create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.

Use a text editor to edit the "profile.con" file in the
"\battlefield 2142\profiles\0001" directory.
It should be similar to this:

LocalProfile.setName "user"
LocalProfile.setGamespyNick "user"
LocalProfile.setEAOnlineMasterAccount "user"
LocalProfile.setEAOnlineSubAccount "user"
LocalProfile.setTotalPlayedTime 25467.3
LocalProfile.setNumTimesLoggedIn 9805
LocalProfile.setRank 0
LocalProfile.setCareerPoints 0
LocalProfile.setLastBaseUpdate 0

Replace the "localprofile.setrank 0" and "LocalProfile.setCareerpoints 0"
values to:

LocalProfile.setRank 43

Battlefield 2 cheat codes

Battlefield 2

Enter one of the following console commands on a server
to activate the corresponding cheat functions.

mapList.list - List map ID, name, mode, & players numb.mapList.configFile - Set path to "_mapList.con" file
mapList.configFile - Set path to "_mapList.con" file
mapList.load - Reload "_mapList.con" file - Save current map list to "_mapList.con"
mapList.mapCount - Show number of maps in current map list
mapList.currentMap - Show map list ID number of current map
mapList.clear - Clear current map list
mapList.remove [name] - Remove specified map from map list
admin.listPlayers - List players connected
admin.runNextLevel - End round and start next map on map listadmin.currentLevel - View map list ID number for current map
admin.currentLevel - View map list ID number for current map
admin.nextLevel - View map list ID number for the next mapadmin.restartMap - Restart current map
admin.restartMap - Restart current map
admin.banPlayer [id number] [timeout] - Ban indicated player by ID;
see below for timeout values
admin.banPlayerKey [key hash] [timeout] - Ban indicated player by CD keysee below for timeout values -
see below for timeout values -
admin.addAddressToBanList [ip address] [timeout] - Ban indicated player by IP;
see below for timeout values
admin.removeAddressFromBanList [ip address] - Remove IP address from ban list
admin.removeKeyFromBanList [key hash] - Remove CD key hash from ban list
admin.clearBanList - Clear all ban lists
admin.listBannedAddresses - List banned IP addresses
admin.listBannedKeys - List banned CD keys
admin.kickPlayer [ID number] - Kick indicated player

Ban values - Use one of the following entries with the banning commands.
perm - Permanent ban
round - Until next map
[whole number] - Number of seconds
[whole number] - Epoch expiration date; seconds since 1/1/1970

Remote Console Access:

To setup remote console access to the server:
On the server create a new plain text document in admin called default.cfg
Enter the following text into the new file:


Save the file, and start the server. Now you can access the server
remotely by using the following commands from a client:

- rcon login - Use this command to login to the server.
- rcon users - This command lists all the users connected
to the server. Very similar to admin.listPlayers
- rcon exec - Replace with a console command you would like to execute
on the server. For example: rcon exec admin.kickPlayer 3

Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome cheat codes

Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome

You don't have to watch those logos and movies anymore.
Right-click on your Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome icon,.
Go to "Properties" and then the tab "Shortcut".
Then in the "Target" field type "+restart 1"
(without the quotations).

Battlefield 1942 cheat codes

Battlefield 1942

Bring down the console and type:


followed by any of the following strings:

WalkingIsWayTooTiresome - Spawn at the the location of the camera
BotsCanCheatToo - Bots will cheat. I've seen tanks go faster
than usual, troops disappear under the ground,
tanks strafe...
TheAllSeeingEyeOfTheAIProgrammer - Toggles AIStats.
Thomas.Skoldenborg - In some cases kills all the bots
(you'll have to reload the level to spawn them again)
Jonathan.Gustavsson - Kills all enemy bots for a short while.
Tobias.Karlsson - God mode.

aiCheats.code Jonathan.Gustavsson

Good combo:
If you are playing coop with 2 people have 1 be anti-tank and the other
medic this way you have a good chance surviving most attacks

Easy plane fly:
message: When you fly a plane you have to use the mouse to aim your flight
if you change the controls from using the mouse to using the
directional-arrows instead you fly alot easier

Battle Of Britain cheat codes

Battle Of Britain

sea hawk = long life
since this time is final day of enemys

fastfire = rapid fire
enter in gameplay

byby = seeking missles
enter in gameplay

firefest = long rang flamethrower
enter in gameplay

aaa = air to air turrits
enter in gameplay

When bombing with a Stuka, fly at an altitude of 5 feet above
the ground with your landing gear out (to prevent crashing),
and just when you're about to crash into your target, drop your
bombs, pull back on the mouse or joystick and raise your gear.
You should have destroyed your target.

Battle Hawks 1942 cheat codes

Battle Hawks 1942

To keep your pilots alive forever, make a copy of
the files that have your name before you go on a
dangerous mission. For example PILOT1.PLT or JOHN.PLT.

If you get killed you can copy the file back and your
pilot is resurrected as though he had never flown the
fatal mission. For example, to copy the file JAMES.PLT
change to the Battlehawks directory and type:


To resurrect the pilot change to the Battlehawks
directory and then type:


Make sure you copy the .PLT file every time you have a
successful mission. Make a separate backup copy for each
pilot you have.

Battle Isle 1 cheat codes

Battle Isle 1

The codes are:

One Player Two Players

Barrack cheat codes


When game is paused, type any of these:

Code Result
ECHO - 1000 time bonus
ICENINE - Next level
ONYACK - Free Magnet
PLAT - Adds 1 Nuke Ball If Typed
When Balls Are Being Born.

Press the CAPS LOCK button
to pause game, then type in:

Code Result
MANA - 5 lives
SRV - free lasers

At title screen, press the letter X to get a poem.
During the game, press the CAPS LOCK button to pause game,
then enter the word LAND to get Bosco the shark.

Bard's Tale 1 cheat codes

Bard's Tale 1

Load your party, go to the statistics screen for the first player.
Pool all of the party's gold to the first player, then remove him from
the party, and then load him back in. Then pool the gold to another
player. Repeat this for each player.

Turn off the computer without saving the game and every player will
have the gold of the entire party before. Repeat if wanted.

Baldur's Gate 2 cheat codes

Baldur's Gate 2

Open the Baldur.ini file with notepad, look for a heading
called [Program Options]. Under this heading type: Debug Mode=1,
then save and exit. Start your game of BG2 as normal and in game
press Control+Space to activate the console.

Console Cheats (Must be entered exactly as shown):

XP For Your Group
CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("XP amount here") press enter to activate.
Note the XP Cap in BG2 is 2,950,000--do not use commas in the XP amount.

CLUAConsole:AddGold("Amount of gold here") press enter to activate.
Note, as in the XP amount-DO NOT USE COMMAS!
NOTE: You can give XP to a single or all party members. Click once on
the character you wish to give xp to and then enter the XP cheat while
their portrait is highlighted. To give all party members XP click the
little square box in the lower right of you display and you will see all
your characters portraits highlighted. Open the console and enter
the code.

Create Items
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("item code here",quantity here) then press
enter. No commas in the quantity #.

Here is an example using the identify scroll code.

This will place 100 Identify scrolls in your lead characters pack.
Note that any magical items you create need to be identified before
you get the benefits of using them.

List of Items

chan06--Drizzt's +4 Chainmail
leat08---Studded Leather +3:Shadow Armor
plat05--Full Plate +1
helm04--Helm of Defense
shld04--Medium Shield +1
shld06--Large Shield +1
shld17--Buckler +1
ring07--Ring of Protection +2
ring08--Ring of Wizardry
brac14--Bracers of Defense AC 4
clck02--Cloak of Protection +2
belt06--Girdle of Hill Giant Strength
boot01--Boots of Speed
staf08--Martial Staff +3
hamm08--War Hammer +2
sw1h09--Short Sword +2
sw1h40--Blade of Roses(LongSword +3 +2Cha)
sw1h49--Ninja-To +1
sw2h09--Warblade(2-H sword +4)
bow18--Shortbow +2
bow17--Longbow +2
slng03--Sling +3
ax1h03--Battle Axe +2
halb03--Halberd +2

Create Creatures
CreateCreature("creature reference number goes here")
This will give you Monsters to fight. Here is a few samples:

dragred=Red Dragon
dragblac=Black Dragon
dragsilv=Silver Dragon
dempi01=Pit Fiend
uddeath=Demon Knight

Move to Area
MoveToArea("area reference number goes here")
This will warp you to any area in the game. Be careful to have all
your Party members selected first. Here is a few sample places.
You can get the area number of any Area by hitting the x key.

Temple District=AR0900 The Nine Hells=AR2900
Graveyard District=AR0800 Domain of the Dragon=AR1201
Slums District=AR0400 Asylum Dungeon=AR1512
Waukeens Promenade=AR0700 Bodhis Dungeon=AR0801
Government District=AR1000 Astral Prison=AR0516
Bridge District=AR0500 Planar Sphere=AR0411
Docks District=AR0300 Cult of the Unseeing Eye=AR0202
CityGates=AR0020 Rift Dungeon=AR0204
Umar Hills=AR1100 Demon Outerworld=AR0414
Suldanesslar=AR2500 De'Arnise Hold=AR1300
Druids Grove=AR1900
Max Stats
When generating a character and if you have debug mode=1 or cheats=1
and you press CTRL+SHFT+8 it will max your stats. If you decrease
some stats before doing this you can take some up to 19 for races
that allow 19 (like elf dexterity).

Reveal Map
Reveals the entire map.

Heal and Jump
When you have Debug Mode=1 in your baldur.ini file,
you may use [CTRL] + R to heal a character, and [CTRL] + J to jump
to the location of the mouse cursor.

Heal Party
When you have Debug Mode=1 in your baldur.ini file,
you may use [CTRL] + T to heal the entire party and remove harmful
spell effects.

Instant Kill
When you have Debug Mode=1 in your baldur.ini file,
you may use [CTRL] + Y to kill the person or monster the cursor is on.

Baldur's Gate 1 cheat codes

Baldur's Gate 1

Open the file Baldur.ini in your Baldur's Gate
directory and add the line Cheats=1 under the
[Game Options] entry. Then save the file and run the game.

Once in the game, hit Ctrl-Tab to bring up the
console in which you type the cheats. Ctrl-Tab will also
close this console. Type in the cheats exactly as
they appear below and hit the [Enter] key to activate.

- Summons 10 killer chickens who defend you.

- Creates 5 healing potions, 5 neutralize poison potions,
and 1 stone to flesh scroll.

- Gives you 500 gold.

- Creates a CowKill spell if you're near a cow.

- Creates a hostile Drizzt.

- Creates a friendly Drizzt.

- Spawns all the game's critical items.

- Moves your characters to a free adjacent area.

- Marks entire area explored.

After editing the Baldur.ini file in the Bgate
directory, (as was done for the other cheats),
you can use the following codes:

where xxx is the code for an item, see below

where yyy is the name of a creature or NPC
ie: CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Ray") will create a gibberling
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Khalid") will create Khalid
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Noober") will create
the best NPC in the game ;)

Note: The name you enter is limited to 6 characters,
so some names are different, as in Jaheira would
have to be entered as blah:("Jaheir")

CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("8900") <- this can be up
to 89000 (Bundyo) Set the current Experience points
for all party members to 8900







CLUAConsole:AddGold("xxx") - where xxx is number of GP
CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys() - Enables the cheat keys.

CTRL+J -> Jump to Mouse Cursor
CTRL+B -> End Game Movie
CTRL+S -> Choose animation sequence
CTRL+A -> Execute animation sequence
CTRL+D -> Some statistics
CTRL+F -> Turn around

Tales of the Sword Coast Items List (Add the same way):

AMUL17 -- Greenstone Amulet
MISC2M -- Dwarven Rune Wardstone
MISC2O -- Lock of hair from Kirindale
MISC2I -- Wardstone Forgery
STAF06 -- Staff-Mace
STAF07 -- Staff-Spear +2
STAF08 -- Quarterstaff +3
SCRL5A -- Mental Domination
SCRL5B -- Defensive Harmony
SCRL5C -- Protection from Lightening
SCRL5D -- Protection from Evil 10' Radius
SCRL5E -- Champion's Strength
SCRL5F -- Chaotic Commands
SCRL5G -- Remove Curse
SCRL5H -- Emotion
SCRL5I -- Greater Malaison
SCRL5R -- Anderis Journal
SCRL5S -- Dezekiel's Scroll

Secrets list:
* Ring of Protection *
1 map directly south of friendly arm

* Ring of Fire Resistance & Iol Gem & Star Sapphire *
Area directly East of the Nashkel Mines Overland Map
X=1955 y=2372

* Ring of Wizardy *
map of friendly arm

* Ankheg Plate Armor *
x=187, y=2747 AR4800 (Nashkel)
It's on the farmer's land, far east, under a tree near the edge.

* Wand of frost *
On the Nashkel mines map
Co-ords X= 169, Y=177
NW corner in a dead tree

* Scrolls of Cloudkill & Chromatic Orb *
Area directly West of Nashkel Mines Overland Map
X=1793 Y=414

The Ankhegs infest the area north of the Friendly Arms Inn. There is a huge
ankheg hole in the ground to the mid left of the screen.
Inside, there is a visible ankheg horde, 4 caves to the right: Brun's dead
son, Chainmail+1, Potion of Magic Protection, Wand of Fire, Dagger +1, 5
Darts of Stunning, 5 Darts of Wounding, Ghost Armor Spell, Dire Charm
Spell, Potion of Cloud Giant Strength, Antidote.

Bracers AC 7 at the Baldurs Gate bridge, follow the river north to the
house and speak to the BitchQueens priestess. Flail +1 from the farmers for
killing the BitchQueen's priestess. They are outside the large house to the
far far left of the map just north of the Friendly Arms Inn.

Hidden scrolls: West of Nashkul mines; x1793, y414

* Tomes *
Constitution - In cave of Sirines on Lighthouse map
Strength/Wisdom - In Caverns under Castlekeep
Wisdom - From Temple in BG
Dex - In thieves guild in BG
Int - At top of Razamith's tower in BG
charisma - caves near the Gnoll fortress

Backyard Hockey cheat codes

Backyard Hockey

Secret players:
Enter one of the following names at the create a player screen
to unlock a secret player.

Lemon Boy
Beverly Backstop
Buddy Cheque
Secret coaches:

Play as Steve Yzerman:
Enter Stevie Y as a custom player name.

Enter of the following names as a coach to unlock their teams.
Ikan Trace
Ivanna Tipe
Mike McMeeting

Best overall players:
The seven best overall players are as follows.

Thor "Lemon Boy" Herring: 50
Dmitri Petrovich -40
Pablo Sanchez: 40
Jocinda Smith: 39
Mike Modano: 39
Brian Leetch: 37
Kenny Kawaguchi or Stephanie Morgan: 37

Avatar: Legends of the Arena cheat codes

Avatar: Legends of the Arena

Character Unlocks:
When in the character screen, click the "Secret Code" button
then enter one of the cheats:
seventh chakra - unlocks aang.
painted lady - unlocks katara.
metal bender - unlocks toph.
breath of fire - unlocks zuko.
western air temple - receive 500 gold.
boomerang - receive 500 gold.
mai - receive 500 gold.
metal bending - unlocks Toph.
painted lady - unlocks Katara.
Gondola - to unlock 500 gold.
Dragon - to unlock 500 gold.

Money and Characters:
aang :seventh chakra
katara :painted lady
zuko :breath of fire
toph :metal bending
mai :5oo gold
mother :500 gold
dragon :500 gold
dragon dance :500 gold
dance of the dragon:500 gold
june :500 gold
mom :500 gold
mouth :500 gold
gondola :500 gold
western air temple: 500 gold

Austin Powers Pinball cheat codes

Austin Powers Pinball

International Man of Mystery table:
During the game hit the "print screen" key to bring up the console,
then use the following codes (press Enter to activate):
IMPOSSIBLE - Light "Start Mission"
IMPOSSIBLE 1 - Light "Groovy Baby"
IMPOSSIBLE 2 - Light "Electric Pussycat"
IMPOSSIBLE 3 - Light "Nineties"
IMPOSSIBLE 4 - Light "Virtucon Tour"
IMPOSSIBLE 5 - Light "Mutant Sea Bass"
IMPOSSIBLE 6 - Light "Fembots"
IMPOSSIBLE 7 - Light "Subterranean Probe"
ENLARGER - Get Super Score
POWERSBALL - Enable Powerball
CRIKEY - Ball Is Blocked Between Flippers
EXTRA SHAG - Light "Extra Ball"
FLASHER - Light "2-Ball"
CLOCKADELIC - Inrease Time
PREMATURE - Set To Final Ball
BLIMEY - Light "Video Mode"
PANTS - Light "Kickback"
BUBBLY - Light "Hot Tub"
DANGER - Light "Mystery"

Spy Who Shagged Me table
During the game hit the "print screen" key to bring up the console,
then use the following codes (press Enter to activate):

IMPOSSIBLE - Light "Start Mission"
IMPOSSIBLE 1 - Light "Groovy Baby"
IMPOSSIBLE 2 - Light "Electric Pussycat"
IMPOSSIBLE 3 - Light "Nineties"
IMPOSSIBLE 4 - Light "Virtucon Tour"
IMPOSSIBLE 5 - Light "Mutant Sea Bass"
IMPOSSIBLE 6 - Light "Fembots"
IMPOSSIBLE 7 - Light "Subterranean Probe"
ENLARGER - Get Super Score
POWERSBALL - Enable Powerball
CRIKEY - Ball Is Blocked Between Flippers
EXTRA SHAG - Light "Extra Ball"
SWINGER - Light "Time Portal"
CLOCKADELIC - Inrease Time
PREMATURE - Set To Final Ball
BLIMEY - Light "Video Mode"
DANGER - Light "Mystery"

Asteroid cheat codes





" "
" "
" "
" "

IN PIT, N, N, E, N, N, N, U, GO DOOR,


" "
" "
" "
" "



Asghan: The Dragon Slayer

Asghan: The Dragon Slayer

Health can be hex searched by
xx 00 2C 01 and arrows by 02 00 02 00 xx.

Memory addresses (add 143000):B1C
- Green health bar (100)B20
- Gold (50)B22
- Life potions (5)5BA
- Apples (5)5C8
- Bottles of rum (5)794
- Normal arrows (50)796
- Magic arrows (50)798
- Multiple arrows (50)79A
- Explosive arrows (50)79C
- Spiked balls (50)

Save game addresses (add 2100):1028
- Health102C
- GoldAB8
- Life potionsAC6
- ApplesAD4
- bottles of rumCA0
- Normal arrowsCA2
- Magic arrowsCA4
- Multiple arrowsCA6
- explosive arrowsCAE
- Spiked balls

Army Tanks 3 cheat codes

Army Tanks 3

Warning! spoilers intended only For those who have already
completed the game for extra enjoyment.

Change save files (open in notebook):

-=Road Blocks=-
asilta1.ini = 1 = remove 1st road block usa
asilta2.ini = 1 = remove 2nd road block japan

laev.ini = 1-6 = change evolution stage

lar.ini = xxxxxxxxxxxxx = your money

m1-m9.ini = 1 = medal collected

ahs.ini = 0-100 = health soldier
aht.ini = 0-100 = tank condition

lp5.ini = heavy machine gun ammo
lpt.ini = tank gun ammo
lpr.ini = missiles
lps.ini = smoke grenades
lpch.ini = bioweapon grenades

lpu.ini = soldiers submachine gun ammo
lpg.ini = grenades
lpm.ini = mines

nimi.ini = change your name

sp.ini = 0-1

kello.ini = change hours 0-23
kello10m.ini = change 10 min. 0-9
kello1m.ini = change 1 min. 0-9

Warning! Changing map number may cause temporary changes on enemy tanks

-=World Map=-
ka.ini = warp to level 1-26

Bring enemies back to life (!!! city zone bound 1-9 !!!)
pte1-9 = 1 = enemy tank alive
pse1-15 = 1 = enemy soldier alive

Army Men: Air Tactics

Army Men: Air Tactics

During Gameplay press the BACKSPACE key and type one of
the following codes

Code Result
!ripoff blue - Max health
!ripoff red - Unlimited Health
!plastic surgery - In the red
!ripoff white - Lose mission
!sarge is dead - Full Ammo
!RIPOFF mauve - ?
!RIPOFF black - ?
!RIPOFF purple - ?
!RIPOFF green - ?

Army Men 3: Word War cheat codes

Army Men 3: Word War

Enable the cheat codes with:
!throw me a frickin bone here

Then use one of these:

Result Code
Mission skip - !cut to the chase
Debug mode - !rate me
Mission failed - !the meek
Disable AI - !oh behave
Enable AI - !mojo
Unit receives three bombing airstrikes - !heavenly glory
Unit receives three napalm airstrikes - !this one goes to eleven
Unit receives three recons - !peep show
Unit receives nine blue disguises - !i woke up this morning
Unit receives nine gray disguises - !incognito
Unit receives flak jacket - !whistle and flute
Unit receives unlimited ammo sniper rifle - !yippee!!!
Unit receives unlimited air attack - !roody-pooh
Unit receives unlimited plastic mending kit - !florence
Faster soldiers - !pump me up
Kill selected units - !time for bed
Random item/effect - !mona lisa
Remove disguises - !let me down
Unknown - !when all else fails..
Unknown - !full monty
Unknown - !game over
Unknown - !mib
Unknown - !scotty
Unknown - !hey stifler
Unknown - !one time...
Unknown - !spiny norman
Unknown - !stay frosty
Unknown - !henry
Unknown - !harsh language
Unknown - !here's a lockpick...
Unknown - !vic fontaine
Unknown - !halloween
Unknown - !johnny rico
Unknown - !penny

Army Men 2 cheat codes

Army Men 2

Enter message mode pressing \, then type "!when all
else fails..." (include ...) to enable cheat mode.
Next, enter one of the codes below to activate a cheat.

Code - Effect

!patton's speach - You've inspired your troops
!i give up - Restart Level
!veni vidi vinci - Skip Level
!fond memories - see videos
!night of the walking dead - Enemies turn in to zombies
!suicide kings - Kill sarge
!ninja arts - Sarge has stealth ability and is faster
!god of gamblers - Random item, sometimes infinite
!techno - New Background
!rubber cement - Medical Kit
!paper dolls - Paratroopers
!watchtower in the sky - Recon
!geronimo! - 12 air strikes
!beautiful nikita - Infinite sniper rifel
!fourth of july - M80
!roach spray - Infinite Can "o" fire
!ruby ray - Infinite magnifying glass
!aluminum foil - Flak jacket
!smorfs - Blue uniform
!metal sheeting - Grey Uniform
!shrink wrap - Tan uniform
!pooper scooper - Mine sweeper
!gnomish inventions - Explosives
!acme discs - Land mines
!a better tomorrow - Vulcan Gun
!no rocket launcher - Infinite rocket launcher
!village people - Infinite flamethrower
!i have a rock - Infinite handgranads
!cliche ending - End of Phoenix, Etc.
!phoenix! - Flame man
!surprise party - A lot of enemies apear from nowhere
!armageddon - Everthing dies in a mass air strike
!ucla - ??Go Bruins??
!doctor doctor - Full Health
!moleman - fog of war
!spidey senses tingling - See all enemies on the map
!jumpjets - Teleports Sarge somewhere close by
!warp 6 - Mini-Map Things Blink Faster
!santini - Invincible
!cookie jar - All Guns and Cars

Full Air Support
Press Backspace, type aerosmith, then press Enter.

Level Skip
Press Backspace, type LevelSkip xx, whereas xx is 1-20,
then press Enter.

Full Ammo
Press Backspace, type full tank, then press Enter.

Army Men 1: Toys in Space cheat codes

Army Men 1: Toys in Space

First use this one (Hit BACKSPACE and type):
!throw me a frickin bone here - Enable cheats
You may now hit backspace and type any of the other codes:

Code Effect
!captain scarlet - God Mode
!full monty - God Mode Plus Items
!stay frosty - Give Sarge a ForceField
!henry - Gives 30 Insecticide Spray
!harsh language - Gives 20 Fly Swatters
!here's a lockpick... - Give Unlimited Flame Napalm
!mib - Give Sarge a Laser Rifle
!this one goes to eleven - Gives 3 Napalm Strikes
!scotty - Give 3 SpaceMen Renforcements
!hey stifler - Give Unlimited Glue
!one time... - Give 3 Baseballs
!spiny norman - Give 3 HammerMines
!let me down - Drops Sarges Health to almost 0
!pump me up - Give Sarge a Steriods Boost
!rate me - Show FPS
!roody-pooh - Give Unlimited Air Attacks
!the meek - Lose Scenario
!cut to the chase - Win Scenario
!halloween - Changes the Enemy Troops Into Zombies
!time for bed - Lose Scenario
!mona lisa - Gives Random Item
!florence - Gives Unlimited MediKit
!johnny ricco - Gives 3 Paratroopers
!peep show Gives - 3 Recons
!heavenly glory - Gives 3 AirStrikes
!yippee!!! - Gives A Sniper Rifle
!penny - Gives Unlimited M80's
!hey dante - Unlimited Aerosol
!the sun - Unlimited Magnifying Glass
!whistle and flute - Give Sarge a Flak-Jacket
!i woke up this morning - Gives 9 Blue Disguise
!no sunblock - Gives 9 Tan Disguise
!incognito - Gives 9 Grey Disguise
!i got two words for ya... - Gives A MineSweeper
!haunt haunt haunt! - Gives 10 Explosives
!sprinkles - Gives 30 Mines
!i like to keep this handy - Gives Unlimited Bazooka
!patty melt - Gives Unlimited FlameThrower
!you want some - Gives Unlimited Grenades
!disco inferno - Sets Sarge on fire (But Doesnt Hurt Him)
!disco is dead - Extinguishes Sarge's Fire
!no one expects - Summons a Horde Of Enemy Troops
!italian job - Sets Off A Huge Explosion Around Your Sarge
!its dark - Hides All Enemy Troops on Mini-Map
!door - Teleports Sarge to Cursor Location
!there is no spoon - show all enemies on map
!hello neo - get Heave Laser
!oh behave - freeze all enemies
!only human - Unknown Effect
!sarge calibur - Unknown Effect
!know your role... - Unknown Effect
!vic fontaine - Unknown Effect
!mojo - Unknown Effect
!game over - Unknown Effect
!when all else fails... - Unknown Effect

Armed and Dangerous cheat codes

Armed and Dangerous

Start game as usual, go to the Cheat Menu in the Options menu
and enter the following codes:

DAJIGSUP - List of Cheats (It will show all the cheats available)
WAAAAAAH - Topsy Turvy (Flip Screen)
AMATINEE - View any Movies
MISSIONS - Play any Level
SHIELDME - Invincible
SHOESIZE - Big Boots
EATGRENZ - Big Hands
VERYHIIQ - Big Heads
AMBULNCE - Fill Health Bar
SHOOTMOR - Fill Ammo

Armageddon cheat code


Load-up, save as I_CHEAT, then quit and type DEBUG. Now enter everything
below for the results that are listed beside (exclude the comments to the
left and the dashes).

E 0807 C8 200 - Neutron Bombs
E 09DB 9A 01 -
E 0A29 9B 01 -
E 06CF 90 01 -
E 071D 91 01 -
E 076B 92 01 -
E 07B9 93 01 - Over 400 of every weapon!
E 0855 95 01 -
E 08A3 96 01 -
E 08F1 97 01 -
E 093F 98 01 -
E 098D 99 01 -

E 04FB C8 -
E 0549 C9 -
E 0597 CA - Loads and loads of vehicles!
E 05E5 CB -
E 0633 CC -
E 0681 CD -

ArmA: Combat Operations

ArmA: Combat Operations

Press [Shift] + [Keypad Minus] during game play at the indicated screen,
then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding
cheat function:
endmission - Game play - Mission skip
campaign - Campaign menu - All campaign missions
getallgear - Game play - All armory items
missions - Single missions menu - All single missions